Burdock – the main ingredient in Essiac

Burdock – the main ingredient in Essiac

Burdock is one of the four major herbs in the Essiac Tea blend. It has a very large taproot, and this is what is used for the medicine. Burdock has been eaten as a root vegetable. It is very nourishing, full of vitamins and minerals, The rest of the plant also is...
Essiac Tea: A Promising Ally Against Cancer Cell Growth

Essiac Tea: A Promising Ally Against Cancer Cell Growth

A scientific study found Essiac Tea effective in inhibiting cancer cell proliferation. Essiac Tea was first formulated to help fight cancer, and this study backs this claim up with convincing scientific evidence. The following is from the Pub Med abstract....
Brewing Materials for our Dried Herb Packets

Brewing Materials for our Dried Herb Packets

Shop for Brewing Equipment  3 Quart Stainless Steel Pot Perfect for brewing 1 packet batches of Essiac tea, this pot ensures non-reactivity and durability.  8 inch Medium Mesh Stainless Steel Strainer This strainer works to strain out the herbs from your tea after...
Is Your Essiac Tea Genuine?

Is Your Essiac Tea Genuine?

Key Takeaways What is Essiac Tea? Authentic Essiac tea typically adheres to the traditional eight-herb formula crafted by the Ojibwe tribe, which Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brusch refined, including burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm, turkey rhubarb, blessed...
Biodegradable Packing Peanuts!

Biodegradable Packing Peanuts!

Dear Beloved Customer: The folks at Natural Heritage wanted to let you know that we have taken a very important step by starting the use of BIODEGRADABLE packing peanuts to ship your Essiac Tea products. Our new packing peanuts are made from cornstarch. When compared...
Watercress – July Featured Herb of the Month

Watercress – July Featured Herb of the Month

Watercress is a member of the Cruciferous plant family, along with cabbage, kale, mustard, broccoli and many other healthy vegetables. It is loaded with antioxidants, making it a very protective plant against damage that occurs to our body. For this reason it is a...
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