June Herb of the Month Blessed Thistle

June Herb of the Month Blessed Thistle

Blessed Thistle  (Cnicus benedictus), or Saint Benedict’s Thistle has a long history as a healing remedy in Europe and the Middle East, becoming famous as a remedy during the bubonic plague.  It was known as the “Monk’s Tonic”, and is one of...
Featured Herb of the Month – Red Clover

Featured Herb of the Month – Red Clover

Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is one of the marvelous herbs that Renee Caisse added to her famous Essiac remedy. Red clover is a wild flowering plant belonging to the same family as peas and beans.  The flowers of Red Clover are nutritious, packed with vitamins and...
What’s in Essiac Tea?

What’s in Essiac Tea?

Our Essiac is made with organic herbs – sheep sorrel, burdock root, slippery elm bark and rhubarb root.  Kelp, red clover, blessed thistle and watercress are added in small amounts – this is known as Flor Essence.

Structured Water

Structured Water

We prepare our structured water using principles developed by Dr. Masaru Emoto, Viktor Shauberger and Ed Sopcak, who were all pioneers in this field. The best background information is found in the book The Hidden Messages in Water by Dr. Masaru Emoto (and...
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