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Case of 12 Essiac Dry Packets. One single Dry Packet of the 8-herb formula brews up a half gallon of Essiac. Which is a 2-week supply for one person taking 2 oz. twice a day.

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Case of 12 Essiac Dry Packets. One single dry packet of the 8-herb formula brews up a half a gallon of Essiac. Which is a 2-week supply for one person taking 2 oz. twice a day.

Enjoy our freshly mixed dry Essiac packets made with quality herbs that are organic, natural, or wildcrafted. The Essiac formula that we use originated from an Ojibwa Canadian Medicine Man and was made popular by Rene Caisse. Our Essiac is caffeine and sugar free. #essiac #renecaisse​

Instructions to Brew Essiac:​
Please see instructions included inside the packet.​

Sheep Sorrel, Burdock Root, Slippery Elm Bark and Rhubarb Root, Kelp, Red Clover, Blessed Thistle and Watercress.​

Brewing Instructions: 
To brew the Essiac you will need the following:
1 cup measuring cup
1 gallon size or larger stainless steel, enamel or glass pot with tight fitting lid. Do not use any aluminum or Teflon pots or utensils.
Glass jars with lids to store the Essiac in.
Wooden or metal spoon to stir the hot liquid.
1 quart size strainer, medium to fine mesh.
How to brew Essiac:
Put 9 cups (two quarts plus one cup) of filtered, chlorine-free or distilled water into the pan. We tell folks to use the best water they have available. Add packet of herbs, and bring to a gentle boil.
After 5 minutes, remove the lid, stir to keep the herbs from collecting on the sides of the pot. Boil Gently for an additional 5 minutes. Do not let the Essiac boil over or scorch. Stir one last time, making sure no Herbs are stuck to the sides. Put the lid back on and turn the burner off.
Steep for a minimum of 12 hours. Remove the lid, strain the loose herbs out of the liquid. Then bring back to a gentle boil 5 minutes to sterilize it (a very important step), pour the hot Essiac into glass containers of choice and tighten the lids. MUST be stored in refrigerator. Shake well before pouring.
The Shelf life​ ​potency of an unopened Essiac packets is 1 year when kept in a cool dark place. 
For preventative maintenance:  Drink 1 ounce, on an empty stomach 2 times daily. 20 minutes before you eat or drink anything, or two hours after your last meal.
For health challenges: Drink 2 ounces twice daily, on an empty stomach for a total of 4 ounces per day. 20 minutes before you eat or drink anything, or two hours after your last meal.

Additional Information & Fun Facts:​
Per Rene Caisse; Essiac is not effective in capsule, tablet, concentrate, or individual Tea Bag form because it must be brewed and stepped for a minimum of 12 hours. Essiac is Caisse backwards. Get a free copy of “The Essiac Handbook” by emailing us, or calling 1-888-568-3036 or click here. Essiac is also known as Ojibwa tea of life, Essiac tonic, Rene Caisse tea.​​

Pregnant and nursing women should always consult a doctor before drinking Essiac. Do not ingest the Essiac if you’re taking blood thinners or have been a recent organ transplant recipient.

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