

Hope this can help someone!

Many years ago my Daughter, Vanessa, introduced me to Essiac Tea, a Tea that was reported to be effective against Cancer and other ailments. Over the years I shared the information with several people who were diagnosed with Cancer and others who had no issues. The lion’s share of those diagnosed seemed to respond well to the Tea if they followed the instructions and did not stop drinking the Essiac.

Well, it was my turn. I was diagnosed with tumors/lesions on my Prostrate about 8 months ago. My PSA had elevated to 3.6 from 1.5 but seemed to be holding steady. I had an MRI that found the growth so my Doctor wanted me to have a biopsy. I refused due to the documented hazards with the procedure. During this time I was also experiencing a lot of Urinary Tract issues. I decided to go on a regimen of Essiac Tea. 4 months later my Doc re-examined me and found the growths had decreased 60% and my PSA had dropped .2%. All of my Urinary Tract issues have disappeared as well. The only thing I was using was the Essiac Tea. My Doc & I agreed to wait 4 more months and re-examine again. That was yesterday. My tumors have completely disappeared and my PSA is stable. I should also note that I was not diagnosed with Cancer, but the indicators pointed in that direction. 

There is a lot of information and disinformation on the web about Essiac. My thoughts are that the Tea does not cure anything. Based on my personal research it seems to be a strong detoxifier and antioxidant that cleanses the blood allowing the body to help heal itself. PUBMED did a brief study on what they think is happening when the Essiac is introduced to the body. Here is the government link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16226859/.

Conclusion: The Essiac Tea is providing benefits to not only humans but to animals as well. I have read where pet owners gave the Tea to their Dogs and Cats who were diagnosed with Cancer and they responded well. I have a lot more information if you want to discuss, contact me. paul@abtmarketing.com or SKYPE: paul.barker25

I encourage everyone that’s interested to do your own research and make your own decision. I purchase the Essiac Dry Packets and make the Tea myself. Hope this helps!


After posting my personal issue with Prostrate tumor’s yesterday, my Cousin, who is in the Medical field, contacted me and shared the following.

He had reviewed more studies on PUBMED about the effects of Essiac Tea on the human body. One of those studies was a Doctor who gave the Tea to patients with AIDS. The Doctor took 5 patients from the study group, took them off of the AZT drug and only gave them Essiac Tea. The result was all the other patients in the study group passed away from AIDS. The Doctor’s 5 patients on Essiac are still alive and thriving! His conclusion was that Essiac can also address viruses.

We believe one of the reasons the Tea works is outlined in the link I gave yesterday from PUBMED. In the article it talks about how the Essiac Tea was found to increase oxygenation of the blood. Cancer cannot survive in an oxygen rich environment. Maybe that’s one of the reasons that the Tea has been effective against Cancers and viruses with so many people. 

Based on this information, I was wrong when I said the Tea does not cure anything, but helps the body heal itself. Maybe it does both. If this is correct then the Essiac Tea could be effective with all Cancers, which I have been told for years. Something to consider.

Paul Barker

Owner, ABT Marketing, Alpharetta, GA


I am sending you this information to please put in your future Essiac Booklet and to share with all people. I am 91 and just ordered my 8th Bonus of Essiac Bottles. I started January 8th, 2022. I have had some of these Health problems for what seems like too long a time. The Essiac has helped with the following; 1) Arthritis on all body parts has greatly improved, not 100% yet. 2) Body Circulation. Hard to believe, but for the first time since 1970 I am warm. 3) Electric ‘shocks’ or tics in the chin & left cheek have totally disappeared. 4) No longer light headed when getting out of bed, off the couch, …etc. 5) Better walking motions and more mobile. 6) My Tinnitus, which I have had since 1964 due to heavy equipment running constantly, has improved. The Doctor dianosed me with 85% serious noise, now is at almost 1/2 totally quiet. Hard to realize no noise, you can’t believe how much I enjoy the difference. I think, by keeping on your herbal Essiac, things will continue to get better in time. Today I saw my Doctor, probably the best here in the NW, and was given a clean bill of Health. Different compared to when I first saw her and before the Essiac. So I will keep taking your Essiac.

Lamoyne McAfee - Cornelius, OR

April, 2021

I recently had Covid 19, I took Essiac tea in morning and evening like many sick people. I believe Essiac not only saved my life, but also shortened the duration of Covid Virus! Thank You for continuing to sell such a great healing tea!


A few years ago I was diagnosed with a Cancerous lump in my neck. Unfortunately, I waited until it was a decent size. Rather than going through with the surgery as recommended by the Doctor, I decided to try Essiac Tea instead as a Friend suggested. I never had the surgery. Within a couple of  months the lump was shrinking considerably. At my 12 month checkup it had completely disappeared. and there was no sign of Cancer being present. I will never give up taking your Essiac as a preventative because I don’t want Cancer returning. Thank You for providing a quality product.

Julie in Colorado

Thank you. I think this stuff saved me and my wife this week! I had Covid bad, with a bad stomachache for 12 days all day. The first 1/4 cup on Sunday, I had no pain for 3 hours, and it has improved since then!

Neil Silverstein


We are writing this to let you know how glad we are to have found out about Essiac Tea. Leesa is 58 years old, and I am 70 years old; we both use the tea once a day. Leesa reports a lessening of leg cramping and a detox of her digestive tract. As for myself, I feel a general sense of well-being and fewer things annoy me. I still work full time, outside in Central Florida. I feel great, we have told our friends! Thank You!

Bob J.


I am in my 70’s and for the last 20 years have had bad colds and the flu several times a year. Many times also a secondary illness because it was taking so long to recover. I started taking 2 oz every morning of Renee Caisse’s Original Herbal Tea Remedy known as Essiac Tea November 1, 2018 and haven’t had the flu or a cold SINCE, even after having been
exposed several times to each!! I also have more energy and an overall better feeling.

Judy Hauser


“I have been ordering Essiac from you since 1997 and I will never change. It is the best remedy for numerous conditions and it is
proven to work. I have never had any complaints regarding this tea. I look forward to placing my next order  very soon. I have an
order ready for three (3) cases of tea but I am waiting on the fourth person before I actually place the next order. “

Yvonne Marshall

South Carolina

Since I have been taking 2 oz of Essiac Herbal Tea twice a day, my arthritis in my left hand
no longer bothers me. Wish I had found it sooner. Thanks for passing along a great product!

J. C.

Watha, N.C.

Best herbal detox & immune system enhancer I have ever used. Very pleased customer of several years. Retired Nutritional Consultant.

Lynn LadyWillow Johanna

Retired Nutritional Consultant

April 15, 2021

Great seller to buy from, fabulous product, great price!!! Bought from this seller for years now. Every purchase was handled expediently and the product was exactly what I wanted and needed. Never a change in the product’s quality, which may be the reason I am alive today. Thank you for all you’ve done through the years to make and keep the quality in!

TKP Florida‎

This amazing tea is helping so many of my friends and family ! I personally was diagnosed with the Coronavirus on Oct. 31st  I felt some of the symptoms about 2 days prior to getting tested and when it came back positive I immediately started the recommended regimen . I only had a mild case I was extremely weak for 6 days and everything I ate went in one way and out the other as soon as I ate so I did the B.R.A.T. diet and it helped . I did loose 10 lbs. however now that I am back to my healthy self I I put the weight back on and I actually feel better now then before I got the Coronavirus !!!!
‎Jo Ann Gilcrest CO‎

My dad is 80 and was diagnosed over a year ago with bone cancer. He started brewing Essiac tea and drinking twice a day. He went through 1 round of chemo last yr and has not had another treatment. His blood is almost normal! This tea works. I believe that this tea and prayer is curing my dad. Thank you.

‎Gretchen Harper‎

“If you could spare 5 Booklets, I have some friends with ailments that are asking me “my secret” and success with my Multiple Sclerosis. I want to share The Essiac Story with them! This is an amazing product. I am 51 yrs old and my MS is under control. I still rollerblade and race walk 10k’s for goodness sake! I want to spread the word. Please send a few handbooks if you can. I just sent in another order for the 18 bottles. Thank you so much for your product.”

Nancy Burkard

Milwaukee WI

“Thank you for your life-giving service, and your pure motivation.”

Linda Pritzker

Missoula, Montana

After reading your recent comments regarding holistic medicine on the USMA64 Forum, I wanted to share a personal experienceswith you.

After being diagnosed with bladder cancer over seven years ago, my wife suggested that I begin drinking Ojibwa tea as a cleansing agent. I have been doing this religiously and have not had a recurrence of the cancer. I realize that there are more variables involved here, but I plan to continue this regimen into the future.

Stay healthy,

Doug Dailey

I want to THANK YOU very much for sending these little E-Books! Have enjoyed them and I believe THIS one will be of special interest …  I “feel” like I’m winning the battle using ESSIAC … LOVE the little ESSIAC book and all the info. it has about the famous nurse! Thank You. Respectfully 🙂

Rod / Mingo Summitt

Our 2 yr old Dog injured her leg pretty bad while playing in the yard one day. Unknown to us, section of wire fence had come loose, which she tried to squeeze through into the garden bed. The result was a very deep & long slice to her rear leg just above the paw which almost skinned her leg to the bone. The cut was so severe that our Vet said there would be permanent nerve damage, a large bald scar, and more than likely a pronounced limp. We started giving Essiac to her, along with our eldest Dog, as part of her healing plan. When it came time to remove the stitches, much to our Vet’s surprise, the healing was far ahead of the projected schedule. Not only was the wound almost completely healed, but she appeared to have no nerve damage at all! Months later, our Girl runs, plays, and walks without a limp. The fur has grown completely back over the scar, which has healed beautifully, and only can be seen when you part her fur. It’s almost like nothing ever happened. All of our Dogs are given Essiac Tea as a preventative and for optimal Health. Our eldest Girl now has the same energy and vibrant health of our youngest! The Essiac is proving beneficial for the Dogs as well as ourselves.

Brian W.

New Jersey

April, 2021

My name is Howard Griggs. In February 2017 I was diagnosed with kidney cancer. The Doctor removed my left kidney and gave me twelve months to live. I was not a candidate for chemo or radiation, because the cancer had spread to my lungs and I was stage 4. There was nothing else they could do for me. A friend of mine told me about Essiac Tea, so I ordered it and have been taking it. I am on my 50th month and feeling great. I believe in it and I tell everybody about it. I am living proof it works.

Howard Griggs - Tuskegee, Alabama

If you know ANYONE with cancer go to this web site right away and try this tea. www.remedies.net order thier free book at least. My mom was diagnosed with colon cancer that had spread throughout the abdomen. I started her on the tea that I brew weekly for her (only 4T 3X a day) and with only 5 chemo treatments at 1/2 power plus ESSIAC every day her tumors have decreased by 50% and her blood count for the cancer cells went from 175 to 50. I first heard about it from a friend of mine in his 90’s that swore he cured his prostate cancer by taking ESSIAC. This stuff WORKS and it’s not expensive, it’s all organic and herbal, and it does NOT taste bad!

Courtney McNicol Ireland

Since December 2019 I have been in and out of the local hospital, because I got cancer Cat 9 (10 is the worse). The cancer was aggressive and had in a short time spread from the prostate to the skeleton, the chest, and the lymph system. In December my blood value of PSA was 1400. I started on a chemotherapy cure  28 January 2020, 6 injections, over the next 6 months. In addition to the chemotherapy I have used your Essiac Tea 3 x 2 oz every day. 

Three weeks ago I was informed from the cancer department in the local hospital the cure of cancer was a success, and my PSA value is today 1.1 only. The hospital told me based on my condition in December they were convinced I would not get well. I believe your tea was a substantial help to cure my cancer attack. I will continue to use 3 x 2 oz until my next blood test 10th September.  If my PSA value is still 1.1 I will reduce the amount to 1 x 2 oz, and believe I will continue to use your tea for the rest of my life. My wife has also taken your team in the same period and will continue taking your tea. 

The first packet of your tea was given to me by a friend. His wife has had cancer for as long as I can remember, and went through chemotherapy for more than 10 years. She informed me she is convinced she is still alive due to your tea. 

Best regards, and thank you for your wonderful tea!

Hans T. in Norway

I was diagnosed with arthritis 2 years ago by my doctor. Nothing he prescribed helped. I was flipping through a magazine and saw your product. I ordered it and it was the best move I made. I take 2oz in the morning and 2oz before I go to bed. It is a great product that I will continue to use. My fingers no longer swell or hurt. Thanks so much for an awesome product.


February 2018
Natural Heritage Enterprises
To Whom It May Concern,
I’m writing to let you know that “Rene Caisse’s Original Tea Remedy” has another successful story to tell. It all started for me in April 2015, but I didn’t go see a doctor until January 2014. He then sent me to an oncologist (cancer MD). After expecting a one hour appointment, I was there 6 hours instead. I had blood work and a cat scan. Then I was told to go home and make a will and get my end of life together and was handed a Code Blue bracelet because I was in 3rd stage endometrial cancer. I would need a hysterectomy and chemotherapy and then go to a nursing home and hospice. My blood work was elevated and I showed a large tumor in the uterus.
Needless to say, I was shocked to hear such news, and thanked the doctor and said that I would seek alternative healing. I went home to play and pray.
My daughter was in L.A. on business and heard about Essiac and the story of a man who was cancer free for five years. She ordered it and after my second set of 18 bottles of tea, I went to see a 3rd doctor who had all of the records sent from the two first doctors. She did more blood work and another cat scan, and called me a few days later to tell me the blood work was 4 points better than normal and I could have the tumor removed in two weeks with no chemo. She asked me what I was doing.
I had a successful operation on July 18 and was back at work feeling great three weeks later. I continue to take the tea twice a day, and have lots of energy to work six days a week.
Thank you for the grace of life and living again cancer free.
Sincerely,  (anonymous)

Testimonial about my experiences with using Essiac Tea:

In 2015, while returning home from a conference, I became ill running a 103o temperature and had a very bad cough. I went to see my doctor who said the flu so antibiotics would not work. I told him the cough was very bad and he said come see me in 30 days if you still have the cough.

Thirty days later I still had the bad cough and returned to my doctor. Discussing my history I told him about my life which involved working in steel factories, shipyards (asbestos), nuclear plants, and that when working in the steel factory I had received a high dose of Cobalt radiation by accident. I also supposedly had been exposed to a person that had respiratory tuberculosis when at the steel factory. So I had concerns about having lung issues from my past. He ordered the X-ray which showed a mass in my left lung. He ordered a CT scan and it showed two tumors in my left lung. One in the lower part of the lung and one in the upper part of the lung both tumors about 8mm in diameter.
At this point I decided to get a needle biopsy to see if it was cancer. I had to wait a little over four weeks to schedule the biopsy. I remembered a friend telling me about a person who had taken some tea and it got rid of their tumors and that person had helped others with cancer. She recommended using your tea and said she only trusted your tea not any other companies. I was on the Essiac Tea for the over 31 days before my scheduled needle biopsy.

My coughing slowly got better during that time, which is good because I could not have the lung biopsy performed if I was still coughing severely. While being prepped for the needle biopsy procedure I had to tell the radiologist everything I was taking. This is because some things such as flax seed can thin the blood and you can bleed to death during the procedure. I told the radiologist that I was taking Essiac Tea. They had no idea what it was. I explained it was an old Canadian Indian tribe cure from the turn of the century for cancer. They stated “never heard of it”. Talking to the radiologist they explained that they thought the lower tumor was benign but the upper tumor was likely cancer as they had seen thousands of these.

We started the CT scan to get the angle and location where to insert the needle. They then moved my position a second time and did a second scan and then said “something is wrong. We are going to move you to another CT scanner”. So they wheeled me in to another room and did another scan. They then said “We’re done”. When I met them in the recovery room they told me “Your tumors have shrunk to half their original size and too small to now perform the procedure, and it is not from the tea! Cancer tumors don’t shrink!”. (Funny, they didn’t even know what Essiac Tea was!) I was elated!

So the original diagnosis changed to possible inflammation do to exposure or tuberculosis. My doctor said they now have a blood test that can prove whether or not you have been exposed to tuberculosis. I took the test and it showed I had never been exposed. It appears the needle stick test I had 40 years ago was a false positive for exposure to tuberculosis. They then changed the diagnosis to inflammation of the lungs.
Six months later I had a followup CT scan and both tumors were completely gone. I still have the CT scans to show people. I thoroughly believe the Essian Tea was what eliminated my tumors and I still take 2 ounces in the morning and 2 ounces in the evening every day. That was the dosage I took originally and I have just kept taking the tea.

Jay G.

Roseville, CA

20 years ago the outpatient clinic where I worked had patients coughing and sneezing on me every day while I was drawing their blood for tests! I would often catch their colds. One day a patient that I saw regularly came in  and handed me one of your Natural Heritage books after seeing the patient before her sneeze on me. After I started using Essiac every morning, I went 8 years without catching a cold! My husband who worked outside  as a  lineman and splicer in all sorts of weather also started taking Essiac, and he went 14 years without getting sick! We are now retired and will continue taking Essiac every day.  We buy the packets and brew it ourselves. It is very easy to do.


My experience with Essiac Tea began in June, 2008. After a stage 3B non-small cell lung cancer diagnosis, a co-worker insisted that I try Essiac Tea. After reading about the history of the tea, I immediately ordered the herbs to brew myself at home. The stories convinced me that there was something to the tea that did indeed help people with this disease and other types of ailments. Chemo and radiation were a part of my health plan, which continued through December, 2008. All the while, I was drinking the tea. I have not missed a day of Essiac tea in 11 years. And I plan to continue to take it indefinitely. Natural Heritage Enterprises is the only source I have and will continue to use.

Terri Roule


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