Get Your Free eBook Gifts Here:

Gift #1. “The Diabetes Handbook”: A 56-page book that gives full details about simple and inexpensive steps that you can take to help your body heal from blood sugar regulation issues. Robert O. Young MD has discovered that over-acidity of the pancreas causes diabetes. Our EBook covers his discovery, and simple inexpensive ways to fix the problem.  Our handbook will tell you how to reduce the acidity of the pancreas and discusses the critical importance of maintaining proper pH levels in your body. High acidity levels can rob you of your health and youthfulness.

Gift #2. “Heart Disease”:This eBook is about heart disease and your cardiovascular health. We all know that heart disease is the biggest killer out there. So our free ebook  Clean Arteries Forever has information that you will want to know. It explains why our body chooses to make plaque and why it deposits this plaque on the walls of our arteries. It also gives a simple and effective solution to this so serious problem. This is dynamite information. It will change your thinking about heart disease forever.

Gift #3. “Arthritis: Most people are told that arthritis is incurable. We beg to differ. This Free eBook,  The  Arthritis Handbook  will explain in detail  Dr. Robert O. Young’s discovery that arthritis is caused by improper acid levels in the body. Then the author will give you detailed instruction for the simple and inexpensive therapy that remedied his own crippling arthritis.

Gift #4. “Anti-Aging: This Handbook is the Big Kahuna! This free Ebook is full of wild and dynamic information that can change your life forever. It is the greatest gift that we can think of to offer you. This Free eBook, Longevity Forever  discusses recent discoveries in reversing the aging process. This information is so cutting-edge that it will challenge many of your most basic belief systems, just as it did ours! But, as we can testify, this information is incredibly valuable.

Gift #5. “Obesity: This free eBook tells why over-acidity in your body leads to fat retention.  We offer simple, inexpensive steps that you can take to have a proper body acidity balance so that your body does not seek to have fat in which to store accumulated toxins. Exercise programs and diets simply don’t work unless you have the proper acidity balance. The book explains everything that you need to know.

Gift #6. “Organic Sea Salt and Your Health”: A concise 15 page book that explains how you can change your table salt to get 82 valuable natural minerals and trace elements that you need for good health, and you are not getting from regular table salt. Also tells how you can buy this natural, organic sea salt for 10 cents a pound.

Gift #7. “Diet Dilemma: Why You Diet and Still Don’t Lose Weight and the Solution”: A 59-page book that tells of the relationship between body acidity and obesity. Holistic classes cover this. And it tells you how to simply and inexpensively remedy the situation.

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